„Welcome Day” – welcoming students of Erasmus+
On Monday, September 30th, we welcomed our new Erasmus+ Students, incoming for studies at the Medical University of Lodz for academic year 2024/2025.
This year we organized for them a special inauguration called Welcome Day.
The symbolic celebration took place at MUL Library, at Muszyńskiego street 2 and was divided into parts.
We started with a speech of our Institutional Coordinator, Prof. Jacek Rożniecki.
Then, there was a short presentation about history of MUL and Polish language lesson for all participants.
After the official part and short coffee break, all the Students were divided into 3 groups and supported by their Buddy’s went for the City-based Game.
The final meeting point was in Manufaktura where the culmination of a successful day was a group photo.