1. How can I submit an application for a foreign delegation?

Please log in to your personal account in Process Portal. Open task „Delegacja zagraniczna”.
Fill in the form, add documents (letter of invitation etc.) and choose „Wyślij”. If you need halp Please contact to International Relations Office.

2. How to settle travel costs?

This task will generate automatically on your account on a last day of your trip.
Open it and then follow these rules:

  • correct dates of your trip (if the trip has been shortened or extended)
  • departure from the place of residence and return to the place of residence (in the section „Domestic journey”, if the departing person uses this option)
  • departure time from the airport in Poland and arrival at the airport in Poland (in the case of an air connection) – even if the ticket was purchased privately
  • hours of crossing Polish borders on departure and on return (in the case of travel by private car, train or bus)
  • please enter the number of meals that were included in the price of the hotel or that were provided by the organizer (note! Please do not enter meals that were paid additionally)
  • enter the cost of the hotel in accordance with the invoice (if an advance payment was made for the hotel or if the person leaving wants to reimburse the cost incurred from his own funds)
  • the cost of the congress fee (if an advance payment was made or if the person leaving wants to reimburse the cost incurred from their own funds)
  • in the „Other costs in a foreign currency” item, you can add e.g. train tickets for travel outside the country (e.g. Berlin-Frankfurt)

Invoices, receipts, tickets – Please send them to kancelaria@umed.lodz.pl (pdf) or if you have only hard copy please send them to Kancelaria Główna UM, Kosciuszki 4.